Internet of Things


We are working with enterprises to develop solutions for the ‘connected citizen’ – a vision of using technology to empower government employees and its citizens. Such solutions not just reduce cost, but also help people enrich their lives by providing real time information in those critical minutes they need it most.

The connected enterprise refers to the new model of delivering stuff than just lumping everything onto an I.T. platform and calling it a solution. Customers today are demanding ever greater levels of transparency and quality, as well as operational efficiency and reliability as they move from one use case to the next. In this brave new world, addressing their need for ever more personalized experiences is not just nice to have – it has become the fundamental differentiator in how companies differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack.

Industries look to transform themselves into smart digital enterprises and become more efficient and productive. Infosys Industrial IoT services facilitate this transformation by connecting industrial assets, processes, people and systems to enhance enterprise productivity, improve product quality and process efficiency while being resilient to operations and supply chain disruptions.

Dhrivasoft Technologies has mastered the art of customizing solutions and products to fit the unique needs of a Smart Space. They can deliver the appropriate technologies for each sub-system required, whether it is enterprise applications, various networking solutions, or physical infrastructure. This helps you build an efficient Smart Space over time based on your current requirements while still allowing room for growth and expansion in the future.